678 Valid Parenthesis String

1. Question

Given a string containing only three types of characters: '(', ')' and '*', write a function to check whether this string is valid. We define the validity of a string by these rules:

  1. Any left parenthesis'('must have a corresponding right parenthesis')'.

  2. Any right parenthesis')'must have a corresponding left parenthesis'('.

  3. Left parenthesis'('must go before the corresponding right parenthesis')'.

  4. '*'could be treated as a single right parenthesis')'or a single left parenthesis'('or an empty string.

  5. An empty string is also valid.

Example 1:

Input: "()"
Output: True

Example 2:

Input: "(*)"
Output: True

Example 3:

Input: "(*))"
Output: True


  1. The string size will be in the range [1, 100].

2. Implementation

(1) Recursion

思路: 如果这题没有"*",那么只要维护一个变量count,从左到右扫一遍,count在过程中不为负,且最后count等于0即可。但现在多了一个"*",那我们就通过递归尝试3种可能性,即"*"表示为左括号,"*"表示为右括号,"*"为空。

class Solution {
    public boolean checkValidString(String s) {
        return check(s, 0, 0);

    public boolean check(String s, int pos, int count) {
        if (pos == s.length()) {
            return count == 0;

        if (count < 0) {
            return false;

        if (s.charAt(pos) == '(') {
            return check(s, pos + 1, count + 1);
        else if (s.charAt(pos) == ')') {
            return check(s, pos + 1, count - 1);
        // check all possible cases when current character is "*"
        else {
            return check(s, pos + 1, count + 1) || check(s, pos + 1, count - 1) || check(s, pos + 1, count);

(2) Two Pointers

思路: 用两个变量,low表示把"*"看做右括号时,左括号的个数(即左括号的lower bound), high表示把"*"看做左括号时,左括号的个数(即左括号的upper bound)。显然,当high小于0时,说明即使把"*"看做左括号, 也不能够抵消右括号,所以返回false。那么从左到右扫一遍输入string,遇到左括号时,low和high都加1,遇到右括号时,只有low大于0时才减1,这是为了保证low不小于0,high减1。遇到"*"时,根据high的定义high加1,low大于0才减1。最后查看low的个数即可。

class Solution {
    public boolean checkValidString(String s) {
        int low = 0, high = 0;

        for (char c : s.toCharArray()) {
            if (c == '(') {
            else if (c == ')') {
                if (low > 0) {
            else {
                if (low > 0) {

            if (high < 0) {
                return false;
        return low == 0;

3. Time & Space Complexity

Recursion: 时间复杂度O(3^n), n是输入字符串长度。最坏的情况是输入string全是"*", 那么每个"*"都有3种可能性,空间复杂度O(n),主要是递归的开销,递归深度最多为n

Two Pointers: 时间复杂度O(n), 空间复杂度O(1)

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